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Boardmasters Festival news: We’re very sorry to those who have experienced significant delays leaving the car parks today. These…

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We’re very sorry to those who have experienced significant delays leaving the car parks today. These...

Latest update from Boardmasters Festival

We’re very sorry to those who have experienced significant delays leaving the car parks today. These were caused by a lane closure on the A30. We re-routed traffic via the A39 but it has taken time to clear the car parks. The car parks are now all clear. Thank you for your patience!




42 Responses

  1. THE LANE CLOSURES STARTED TWO DAYS AGO?! How was none of this prepared for? Not a single attendant in sight for hours! It was a free for all and you’re blaming the road? There was no redirecting or ANY PLANNING! Was so disappointed as boardmasters used to be good

  2. Mel Luck says:

    If you stole our wooden trolley thing from Malibu Sunday night just know you’re going to hell, she’s called maggie and she’s got a personality 😂 Christopher Hall loved her

  3. The reason I stopped going. People have no respect for the fact others need to use the toilets. They just destroy them and quite literally leave them in a shit state.

  4. Thank you Boardmasters I had a fab time so we had to queue it’s all part of the festival experience can’t wait for next year 💞

  5. Outrageous circumstances my son has been stuck on a coach since 11 am this morning with no water and no food .They we’re still at the festival site until 2 pm .Where were the stewards with food and water for sustenance.?? Refunds would be appropriate and the council should also have an enquiry into the lack of foresight closing a main road out of the site.You would be sent to jail for treating animals in this way 😡

  6. Great festival this year, toilets were a state the whole time, give you the benefit of the doubt this year and see you next year with hopefully new toilets 😂

  7. Abi Brooks says:

    Sounds like a night after a concert at the O2 in London 😂😂😂nothing out of the norm

  8. Should of let people re enter the car park for free because those toilets were in humane

  9. LC Sofia says:

    Amazing festival!!! Can’t wait to get my tickets for next year!!!!!xxx

  10. Soooo glad we took the decision to leave last night!! Worth the 3am bed time 🙂

  11. I had the best time was amazing – the toilet situation was pretty bad, they kept closing any we tried to use by 10pm on Friday and none had any sanitiser just one long sink with soap for each toilet area.. not quite sure why of all years they skipped the sanitiser in each loo – they were always there previous years 🤷‍♀️ loos aside I had the best time, the crowds were amazing 🥳

  12. The water was turned off before 8am this morning. Disgrace to the organisers, poor people couldn’t clean up or fill water bottles for the journey home. Toilets where a disgrace for the hole festival, not being cleaned out. Festival goers treated like animals, having to go toilet anywhere they could find.

  13. This doesn’t help people who arrived and left on coaches, but we always travel back after the last act of the night. Drove through the night and got back to Wigan at 7.30 this morning. It’s not ideal but knowing thousands of people would be leaving a few hours later there would the hold ups despite a road closure

  14. I’m really sorry to hear about your security going through my daughters belongings, sniffing females underwear and helping themselves to her boyfriends beats headphones! They have footage of the guards so you will be receiving a email over the next few days.

  15. Ian Ashbee says:

    Thought this would be a good idea to introduce my 11 year old daughter and 13 year old son, to festival life, wow I completely got this one wrong. To many things to list I’m afraid, certainly would stay clear ☹️☹️☹️

  16. Bull shit it had nothing to do with that! The only reason people made it out was because we pushed the fences over to get out! Disgusting how you tried forcing us to stay in that field for hours !!

  17. Maybe all those moaning about 7hrs with no food or drink could turn on their TVs and see what’s happening in Afghanistan.
    That’s a bloody humanitarian crises.not that little Jimmy didn’t have a bottle of evian!!!

  18. Lisa Derry says:

    Why r people moaning about this
    My son had a ball
    He said it was an amazing weekend
    I suppose u can’t please everybody 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️

  19. I can’t believe the nasty comments on here, people even seem to be enjoying the fact these young people were stuck. Shame on you, especially if you have children of your own.

  20. Zoe McEwen says:

    Shame people couldn’t have stayed behind longer and spent time tidying up their mess and eased the traffic at the same time, the camping fields are an utter disgrace currently. Have fun, but respect your environment #leavenotrace

  21. Absolute nightmare for locals trying trying to go about their buisness today not just festival people but shame it ended like this …the A30 lane closure made it worse but such is life I quess …

  22. Phil Jones says:

    Get rid of the numptys and make it a surf festival again.. Less profit yes… Better festival 👍

  23. Absolutely awful … all the money everyone has spent in Newquay and the festival this weekend and this happens! 12 hours it’s taken us! Awful 😡

  24. Came for the comments and not one of you disappointed me x thanks huns x

  25. The poor things. Still it’s not like they are trying to get out of Kabul is it. Just a field near Newquay on a nice coach.

  26. Gina Mills says:

    Maybe they could of all got out their cars and picked some litter up 😁

  27. Loved just rocking up to watch the Gorillaz last night much more sophisticated way of doing festivals.

  28. Best part was the toilets for me

  29. State of some of the comments. Part and parcel of going to any festival or event. Shite traffic before and afterwards. Boo hoo 🤣🤣

  30. Boardmasters you were amazing, just sort your toilet and shower situation out please, don’t think paying extra for VIP then having to wait hours for a shower and sometimes even the toilet since they were always blocked, only 2 cabins on the go for everyone, other than that I’ll be back again, amazing, fell in love with this festival

  31. Joe McPhee says:

    Gotta sort that car park exit out. It’s a shambles every year.

  32. Anyone who thinks the toilets were bad, never experienced the Glastonbury long drops in 2010 🙈🤦🏻‍♀️😂 and if you have to queue abit, when leaving I suggest you don’t come back 👏🏻👏🏻

  33. Cornwall is full to the brim, all the roads are a nightmare, slow moving, jammed up. Accidents everywhere, people driving like they never passed their driving test and that’s without Board Masters Festival!! Welcome to Cornwall.

  34. Poor babies 😥 maybe you could have spent the time picking up all your crap you leave behind every damn year!?! Oh don’t worry, that’ll just be another job left for us locals!

  35. Try being a truck driver trying to achieve deliveries throughout the country during this madness of holiday traffic and being cut up on the roads by every other motorist , working all hours to try and keep the public with their supplies with not a lot of respect by most

  36. Are so called grown adults going to a festival after a 3 day bender seriously moaning about the delays getting out as they had no food or drink. Jee that’s your own lookout not the festival. Could easily have left snacks and drinks in your car.
    Jeee babies 👶

  37. Everyone moaning that no one come round with water for them…have you maybe thought that they were to busy cleaning up after all the shit you left behind?!! 🤦‍♀️

  38. Boardmasters shouldn’t be apologising for shit.
    If you left your little spot like this. Don’t bother coming back and moaning that you got stuck in a car park for a few hours. Bleddy animals I tell ‘ee

  39. Boardmasters is an environmental obscenity.

  40. Delays on the A30/A39 bollacks! It’s one way in & out. How about paying for my fucking overtime because I can’t get home. #covid20

  41. Zak Ville says:

    Yeah we know you re-routed via the A39. Also through St Columb Major which caused chaos for us locals who couldn’t get anywhere today.

  42. All the festival caused was problems needs better organizational skills from those involved useless!

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