Festival Flyer

Bearded Theory news: 3 DAYS TO GO! Your first chance to grab tickets for our 2024 festival is almost …

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Latest update from Bearded Theory:
3 DAYS TO GO! Your first chance to grab tickets for our 2024 festival is almost here. This Saturday. 10am. On the dot. See you in checkout! 👋

Except for the winner of our survey competition… 🥁 Congratulations to Lolly for winning 4 tickets to next year’s festival! Also a huge thank you to all of you who completed the survey for your valuable feedback ❤️

Bearded Theory



13 Responses

  1. Bearded Theory There seems to be a marked reluctance to answer the capacity question, which makes me wonder if you are planning to increase it? That would be fine, I can then make an informed decision as to wether to buy tickets or not. Surely an answer to this very basic question shouldn’t be too hard?

  2. I’m Lolly and so’s my wife.

  3. Ahh I’m jealous of Lolly! But it doesn’t matter as my alarm is set for early bird tickets on Saturday 😁

  4. Bearded Theory Capacity being increased or not?

  5. Are Convoy Cabaret there next year? This has been asked a few times but no response so far!!

  6. Lin Hulme says:

    I’m going to be on Orkney Saturday morning, what could possibly go wrong 🤔

  7. What is the capacity next year?

  8. You need lots of lolly this year to go

  9. Hi Lolly. Do you need two new friends…? 😉😉

  10. Terri Kay says:

    Well done lolly , and fingers crossed for early bird Saturday 🤩

  11. Karen Hall says:

    Last year wasn’t a sell out so increasing it seems unlikely

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