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FESTIVAL HIGHLIGHTS: The Prodigy: London Brixton academy: July 21st 2022

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Some live footage from The boys from the live show at Brixton Academy on July 21st 2022, sorry for the terrible footage I was in a particularly bad spot just behind the sound desk but it was rammed in there so we took what we could get. I hope you can still get a sense of the atmosphere and enjoy the video regardless.


49 Responses

  1. Can we stop moaning about people using their phones at gigs. We have cameras on our phones for a reason, to capture moments we want to re-live or to share with friends that missed out, they’re not there just to take a photo of your food.

    It’s fair enough if you don’t do it, but by the looks of it, thousands of us do, sick of seeing comments about it now, it’s boring.

  2. I saw The Prodigy live in 1991 , everyone in the crowd was dancing / raving. Look at the crowd in this video , everyone just standing about with their hands in the air , lol , so sad how times have changed.

  3. wedgemondo says:

    Was there. Easily in the top 5 gigs I’ve ever been to out of 100s. A vital band then and now. We are The Prodigy 🙌🏻 Thanks for recording so I can remember a bit more. Was stage right, about four rows back but off my nut so this is class.

  4. I believe it's The Prodigy's first concert since Keith's passing, or is it?

  5. lot of phones for such an exiting show.

  6. I see them live @ Birmingham, just before Keith passed (R>I>P). Still up there with the best 🙂

  7. Had to sell my tickets so i could dj out… thanks for this! Awesome.

  8. Those who say money can't buy happiness have obviously never bought tickets to one of The Prodigy concerts.

  9. All these people with screens out… Can't people just enjoy things with just their eyes and ears?

  10. Rus Axe says:

    Они вернууулииись 🤘😈🤘💥💥🔥. Никто.никто и никагда не выжегал танцпол как они.

  11. P R 😵 D I G Y 4 ever!

  12. Spoplett says:

    Me and the mrs was there for the Saturday show and it was amazing hope they do more shows in the future!!! And maybe new music!!!

  13. Boba Vader says:

    Yasssssssssssss, there is nothing like the one and only The Prodigy.From Charly to Smack My Bitch Up,nothing, but nothing compares to this class act band.We all miss Keith Flint so very much.RIP Keef,we love you!

  14. Brilliant to see, shame all i see is mobile phones, the generation of today, get it the f out and dance !!

  15. trap set says:

    So good to see the prodigy strive on!
    Hard-core never dies!

  16. 1:12 – Breathe
    2:54 – Light Up The Sky
    5:54 – Voodoo People
    9:04 – Omen (Reprise)
    9:37 – Firestarter
    10:54 – Their Law
    11:42 – No Good (Start The Dance)
    14:46 – Need Some1
    18:16 – Smack My Bitch Up

  17. Я рад, что парни вернулись на сцену.

  18. What a night…I think I lost 2 stone jumping around 😅

  19. Shoo Gar says:

    I was there too that day & it's was the best & most spectacular event I've ever attended!!!
    💎🦄💎 I would like to ask You my Friend: Can I use Your title photo for my avatar ? It's fckn ultra-cool 🎖🏆🎖 & equally hypnotising 💯🎯💯
    Greetings from The Northern Warrior 🐜🙌🐜

  20. I'm really hoping for an european tour at least. Or another UK tour, i'll just sell my car to get there.

  21. Sparki Dee says:

    I was, there for Friday at Brixton it was emotional when they did Firestarter tribute for Keith ❤️❤️ the energy is still there and I hope they keep going. I was drenched in sweat it was absolutely banging

  22. KAndyDate says:

    От лазерного Кифа аж мурашки🤘

  23. Vareg1986 says:

    C 99 года их слушаю. Молодцы, что продолжили без Кейта, хоть его и не хватает…

  24. I was there that night. Seen them many times but this was next level. Slightly different set list to the other nights at Brixton.

  25. Its good to see The Prodigy are still going strong! 🙂

  26. Goran H says:

    Saw them live 5 times. Never understood drummer on the stage, he is not heard over the track…what's the point? Only hear him in a breakdown

  27. XSM says:

    sorry but No Keith = No Prodigy imo.

  28. Do you guys think they'll be in the mood for Euro/World tour? I wish. I really want to see them for the sixth time.

  29. Thanks a TON for the footage. I miss listening "Nasty" live as well.

  30. О г о н ь 🔥🔥🔥

  31. I was there what a great tribute to Keith & the pit was mental

  32. Omen reprise was the best part of the whole show

  33. This is the first concert I've ever gone to, I dont think ill ever be able to top this. One hell of a performance.

  34. TD1 says:

    Thank you for recording, editing and posting! Impossible to get a steady shot whilst with the "riotous muthafkers!" at the front. This recording has continued the buzz from being at the Friday night session!

  35. Nice to see a bit of Jon Burton working too 😉

  36. What happened to your channel. Its seems to be all about the prodigy.

  37. Rockville in Daytona please

  38. John Byrne says:

    Need Some 1 live is boss.

  39. The Prodigy топ , люблю этот стиль , на канале ,,Floydsbreakbeat,, слушаю Олд скул брейк бит и новые треки а также топовые миксы в стримах по пятницам и субботам !!! 😉

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