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Bestival news: Bestival 2018 incoming…

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Bestival 2018 incoming…[fb_vid autoplay= “true” id=”10155748826880135″]


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25 Responses

  1. We send you our music LemOjOvie

  2. Lucy Heasman says:

    Michaela Valerie Holliday Small Rosie Joy maybe a b&b next year? 😂

  3. Hahahahahaha Essie King imagine 😂😂😂😂😂😂

  4. Ilona Sarah next year when I’m back from OZ? 🤔💃🎉 xxxxxxxxxxx

  5. James Bunce omg I was literally saying that we were due some Bestival 2018 news yesterday. More evidence I am totally psychic 🔮

  6. Sam Clements says:

    Leanne Bliss Sam Bliss Ella Grace Lori Lou James Davies Kurt Pegg Zack Mark Pegg Dafydd Jones-Morris Sean Mcdonnell. Rachel Beswicksee what this line up is sayin ennnnnnn 50 percent chance ill go again #bestivalvetrans

  7. Chris Brown says:

    Andrew Oates
    Steven Brooks
    Richard Barber
    David Read
    Dawn Smith
    Aaron Dawson
    Mike Neale
    Josh Sayer
    Danny Collins
    Jack Anthony Malin

  8. Katherine Bellerby you gunna go again before you depart uk?

  9. Dan Swallow says:

    Amy Charlotte Francombe Darren Bennett Moo Amin Faisal Amin Mimi O’Connell Spike O’Connell Sarah Roth TAKE US BACK.. 2018??

  10. Dean Todd says:

    Im going and it going to be an Awesome weekend with my festival family can’t wait

  11. Troy Hearn says:

    Good job on editing guys u made it look so much better than it actually was

  12. Anna McVean says:

    Tarnya Iain Emillie Billy Maia Layla Erin Roxy Annabelle yes yes yes

  13. Josh Ottaway says:

    Clyde Declan, can we sack it off and hit Boardmasters next year? 😂

  14. Helen Lacey says:

    Morgana Warren-Jones 0.26 haha it’s back…

  15. Kara Thomson says:

    Emma Drinkwater this looks amazing !!

  16. Dominique, Meesha, Matt, Matthew, Laura, Asher, Will, Amy, George Jørn


  17. Adam Keir Jack Ebbs…… time to get thinking boys!

  18. Jess Smith This is definitely happening, OK? 😘

  19. Jessica Bugh says:

    Chloe Roberts Joe White Sunny Girn Eleaner Bugh Rhea Garnett Tom Stockley James Cull Sam Heath Sam Darragh Darren James Chew Barker Amy Thacker Lucy Fagg Dave Mark round 2?

  20. Ella Simpson Zofia Gawor Andrew Manley preparation for next year is on 🙌

  21. George Renwick guess we got to again…

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